Sunday, 10 February 2013

February 2013

So its not undocumented that 2012 was crap. Rubbish, Nasty. I never thought it would end but as they say, 'life goes on'..Well it really honestly does.
February was long awaited, fabulous February, a new month. My respite from 2012 and the start of a brilliant 2013, it hasn't let me down yet, Ten days in and I'm having a blast..

Sunday (03.02.13)
 Was the mothers birthday and although i only saw her for an hour the whole day it went as well as it possibly could. I brought her some flowers and wish i kept them for myself. Beautiful!

Monday (04.02.13)
I found myself back at crafty college with the crazy chicks and some of the the 3C's gang. Claire has been teasing me with her set of shoe stamps for months but she finally let us use them, I adore them! 
We laughed, we chatted and we ate cake. We did make stuff, honest we did but it was mainly laughing..

Tuesday (05.02.13)
I spend the day in town picking up photos and pretty things for upcoming birthdays. I also purchased a new dress and then got lost looking for the bus stop. Yes i have lived here 16 years but it just moved without any direction to its temporary new home - Rude.
I did my deed of the day by helping two old men with bus fair though, so i hope you were watching Jesus above!

Wednesday (06.02.13)
In a pre birthday, birthday I took my brother and daddy out for dinner.
Lots of  laughing was done and did you know you can buy a 32oz steak? I mean..seriously?
I then made a birthday cake and sang my little lungs out.
Not bad for my first attempt, What do you think?

Thursday (07.02.13)
After a few days of loveliness real life did kick in again when i had to tidy the house and go food shopping.
I did get cheered up by a visit from my favourite pooch though!

Friday (08.02.13)
I was back at college for my second art journal class. I do moan a bit and get frustrated when i lack inspiration but i am getting in to it. I am looking forward to seeing the end result which is a long way off yet so plenty of time for Claire to turn me into a pro...
Sherwood was snow free and Christmas tree this week but a man got killed by literally losing his head when he got ran over by a lorry. Sounds vile right? it was..

Saturday (09.02.13)
Yesterday i went to the theatre with two of the best chicks on the planet. Miss.Anti bacon Cherise and Mrs. Queenie Claire. We went to see Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo and after changing seats, getting put next to a moody women, someone reading a newspaper and a boy wearing a moustache, we had a brilliant time. Stopping half way through for ice cream, obviously.

(Photo by the lovely Queenie)
Well, that's all for now folks. I'm off for some R & R ready for my 7am alarm, Back to the mad house.. I mean college tomorrow :)

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