1) I'm not a morning person। i do not miss the early starts. the cold winter mornings at the bus stop or the long walk home on a dark day.
2)i do not miss the fights it caused between my mum and me. i dropped out of school at 14 and got home schooled by the council after a long battle. i got there in the end and gained 6 gcse's but it was at the cost of my relationship with my mother. its at an all time low after years of ups and downs.
3) I'm so glad to be rid of the idiots that filled the classes। the show offs with combs stuck in the hair. the vain kids who spent there days looking in the mirror. the nerds. the bully's who didn't give in till there victim cried. the hostile atmosphere that greeted you day after day like a lingering bad smell.
4) i don't miss the lifeless uninspiring school building. i changed school building half way through as our year group relocated. we went from a brand new million pound new build, high tech academy, the first to be visited by the prime minister Mr. tony Blair. to a run down, up to nothing, dull, dirty, dark pit. chewing gum stuck everywhere. litter filled the playground. smoke and drug fums floated around. it was a very big change, one that didn't help keep me interested in school.
5) the staff। wile at the end of my time at djanogly there was some outstanding staff members helping me, there was no such luck for the first 3 years. teachers were over worked with class rooms full to capacity. they were treated like crap. i remember at least 5 staff members quiting there job because kids had bullied there looks or teased there teaching ability. kids ran wild and disturbed learning constantly. staff had no control and no authority. they were tired, had no lesson plans. they had lack of motivation that rubbed off on the kids. they had no reason to be good teachers or any fight left in them to do good for these kids. they were run down, fed up and had no support from the head. a complete sham if your trying to actually learn something in there company.
6)i do not miss school or there way of making you feel worthless. every time there was a school trip to Paris, a camping holiday, free sports pass, a chance to meet tony Blair etc. the same kids got it time and time again. it was either the show off group who had good grades, spoke poshly and were top of the class in dance and drama. they were chosen so they could showcase how good the school must be if we have such fantastic kids like them representing it. the other kids who always got them opportunity's were the kids who had English as there second language, they were sent to show how multi cultural we were and how well kids can do when they arrive here, if only they come to djanogly! wile this was very good for the party involved and gained us lots of publicity and sponsorship, it left the other "normal" kids, who had a Nottingham accent, were average at sport and wernt set for bucket loads of qualifications€€, feeling Rather worthless. we never had the chance to shine, which in turn made us engage less, concentrate less and take up a 'fuck it' attitude. which made the posh-good-at-everything kids and the djanogly-success-stories even better in the head teachers eyes, so they get even more treats and special treatment!
7)of course there was embarrassing part in infants school when your big brother comes over for a school photograph, that's something i do not miss! i have constant reminders dotted around the parents house in the form of pretty framed photos in year order!
8)oh it just wouldn't be right to do a school related list and not mention homework! i hated the stuff, we hardly got any in secondary school but in infants we were given it daily. my dad would try and look interested even though he didn't no the answers either. my mum would encourage me but only so the teachers didn't complain. my brother was always so much smarter than me and finished his in 30seconds flat, much to my ever increasing frustration. id hand it in the next morning and hardly ever got any feedback, why bother?
9) dinner times-oh boy! my mother was a dinner lady at my school and wile it was sometimes cool, it was mainly highly embarrassing to see my mum referee my friends during a fight or shout at someone. she also cared for and administered medication to a few children. kids had chants for her. staff loved her. before long€, i was no longer Jenna, but "Mrs.wrights daughter" instead. also it meant i couldn't have much time off as my mum had to go into work and they could spot if she was lien about me being ill a mile off, they would send homework home with her for me to do, on my over exaggerated death bed!
10) routine i hated. I'm not a routine type of a girl. I'm random and a free spirit. i do what i like and when. the 9-3:30 5 day week bored me to sleep. id look out of the windows and dream of home time. Sundays were spoilt by the prospect of another week at school. Fridays were like xmas day, having 2 whole days off to play and be a child, that for me is what childhood is about. not so much desks and pencils, more toys and laughter!
written for mammas losing it writting prompts
These are all good reasons not to go back.