Thursday, 25 August 2011

Mum, Dad, Nottingham and Me.

Written for the daily post:
Have you been to where your parents were born? What was it like? If you haven’t been, describe how you imagine it to be.

My dad was born at home in a street situated in Sherwood, Nottingham. After spending his early years in the house, he moved 5 houses down when he was joined by 4 siblings, for space reasons.

He moved away when he come of age and lived in 10 houses and flats. When his dad, my grandad passed away, He inherited his house. My dad aged 34 returned to the house he grew up in, the street he was born on, along with me, My mum and my brother.

When asked if i have been to my fathers place of birth, the answer is Yes, I live there myself, now.

Its a normal street, on an ex council estate. The house he was born in (5 doors up) was brought by a family with young daughters, when i first moved onto the street, aged 4, i befriended the girls and had the chance to view the house in which my father was born and spent his early days. I'm afraid i don't recall what it was like, But the house in which i now live (were my dad moved to, 5 doors down, aged 5) is pretty much the same layout, but bigger.

A set of stairs to the right of the door lead upstairs to two rooms and a bathroom, so my dad recalls. A hallway leads to a living room and a kitchen and a small back garden can be seen from many windows around the house. My dad moved to the house we now live in, when his siblings were born, a much bigger, 3 bed roomed house.

I find it funny that my dad was literally born on this street, in his mothers bedroom on April 7Th. He grew up there, moved house but still remained on the same street. Then to return many years later with his kids. We have now lived here 14 years. My dad has lived on this street 38 years in total. My dad is determined for his death certificate NOT to have the same destination as his birth. He intends to move and die in Spain once he retires.

My mothers place of birth i am unsure about, I am unaware of weather she was born at home, at hospital or other. All i no is she was born in the Meadows area of Nottingham, She was also one of 5 children and had a much poorer upbringing than my dad. She moved to Clifton for 5 years before returning to the meadows into a new estate. She then lived there till she was 18 when she moved out, met my dad and after 10 moves, ended up here, on the street my dad was born.

My mum and dad share the same area of birth as me and my brother. We were both born at the QMC in Nottingham and have lived here all our lives, so far!

Nottingham is not a very exciting place to describe, lack of info of my mothers birth means i am out of words for now.

Were ever we started off, we have never strayed out of Nottingham and after all is said & done, Its not such a bad place to be...

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