Sunday 28 February 2010

Iv come to blog, a rarity these days i know!

okay, were did i end up?
[ gos and checks the last blog post ]


dam, Thursday was the last post,

err, iv forgot to be honest, errrrrrm.
can i come back to this day?

i didn't do allot yesterday, i fell out with my mum and we didn't speak for 48 hours, worth blogging about?

okay so your up to date, back to today...

Today in the early hours, when awaiting my brothers return from clubbing, i fell asleep at 2am.
I awoke at 5pm and drifted in and out of sleep in till 8:45.
I then did sudoku in bed, people may call me a nerd but 5Min's a day will keep my brain young, dam i sound like my mamar...
I got up, i showed, i dressed, i breakfasted (is that a word?)
I did some tidying and watched a catch up of What Katie did next.
At 2 i had my Sunday dinner, chicken, veg, potato, YUM.
I then went for my weekly trip to my mamas, she didn't want us to leave when we did, but we were there 2 hours... she doesn't have anything to talk about being in the house 24/7 and there is only so often you can talk about her cats eating habits...
Back home around 5, quick check of my facebook then off to the park with my bro and my gorgeous pooch, Chip.

I have a lovely video from it, which will be posted in the next post, why i hear you ask...because i want to.

Anyways, i am home alone tonight, every1s out in town, I'm chill axing annnnnnd i am contemplating "titivating" my art journal ready for tomorrow, Claire would be proud.

anyways, hope you all had a nice weekend, peace!

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