Friday, 5 February 2010

Today is a whole new day...

Hello one and all. Today has been an average day with one exception, my daddy was off work.
My dad works 7 days a week at the queens medical centre hospital and when he gets a day off, he tends to spoil me rotten...
Last night my mum and dad went out to town for a few drinks and reappeared at 2am this morning Rather cutely drunk, She was out celebrating her birthday and got given loads of free wines and stuff.
Anyway, This morning i was up at 8am and i walked the pooch, then headed off to the Charity shop to do my deed for the day, hand in some stuff i no longer needed.
We then went to asda to beat the afternoon rush, before heading for a chip shop dinner, my dad didn't want to spend the day washing pots...can't blame him.
We spend the rest of the day laughing and helping him find a holiday.
This year I'm not going on holiday with them. We go 2-3 times a year but when they head off for the 1st holiday of the year, i will be staying here. It was my choice, i can do with the break from them to be honest and now my brother has split from his fiance, i want to stay and look after my little dog, chip. I pay for my own holiday so the money i save will be paying for my little extra holiday I'm planning on going on and for me to do up my room.
After a Rather rushed start to the day it had ended nice and relaxed.
My mum is currently watching repeats of cops with cameras, my dads in bed due to being up at 5 in the morning for work and my brother is in town with his mates for an early 21st birthday party. I have took the time, being the good blogger i am, to come and update you all.
I am also having a facebook melt down as i haven't been on in hours.
well, smell you later chicks and chaps
mwah xxx

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